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Aldama Fabre Gallery annually grants, during the months of December to February a residence in which the exhibition space becomes the artist's workshop. This space is open to the public during the creative process, so that collectors and visitors can talk with the artist and understand their work from within.

Aldama Fabre Gallery otorga anualmente durante los meses de diciembre a febrero una residencia en la cual el espacio expositivo se convierte en el taller del artista. Este espacio se abre al público durante el proceso creativo, para que coleccionistas y visitantes puedan conversar con el artista y comprender desde dentro su trabajo.
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Ramona Günter

Ramona Güntert, (b. 1989) is a German artist based in London. Her practice looks at forms and shapes within nature which are mimicked by bodies of human and animals. She then uses the medium of photography, challenging its existence in print and exploring different material conditions. Her work is constantly transforming and adapting to different spaces, just like camouflage, which emphasises a relationship between the body and its environment but also attempts to question what lies in-between these spaces. These images appear in layers, becoming the skin of the space.

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Marta Azparren
Diario de Fábrica

“Diario de Fábrica” is a project that combines video, performance, sound art and archives. The artist Marta Azparren will develop this project thanks to the scholarships provided by La Neomudéjar on its 10th anniversary in favor of the mobility of artists and alliances with active institutions, such as Aldama Fabre, that promote values ​​in favor of creativity and new languages.

“Diario de Fábrica” es un proyecto que aúna video, performance, arte sonoro y archivo. La artista Marta Azparren, desarrollaáa este proyecto gracias a las becas brindadas por La Neomudéjar en su 10 aniversario a favor de la movilidad de artistas y las alianzas con instituciones activas, como Aldama Fabre, que promuevan valores a favor de la creatividad y los nuevos lenguajes.
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Sergio Bonilla Pinzón
Fay çe que vouldras

Thanks to residence at Aldama Fabre Gallery, Sergio Bonilla Pinzón (1993, Colombia-Paris) presents Fay çe que vouldras in FIG Bilbao: a main piece and sketches of graphite, charcoal, pastel, oil on stick on paper.

Gracias a una residencia en Aldama Fabre Gallery, Sergio Bonilla Pinzón (1993, Colombia-París) presenta la serie Fay çe que vouldras en FIG Bilbao: una pieza principal y bocetos de grafito, carboncillo, pastel y óleo en barra sobre papel.
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Pablo García Martinez
(AKA Elan DÓrphium)

The artist opens his studio and invites them to share the nature of his current production and the reasons for his return to painting, after a long time expressing himself through performance.

El artista abre su estudio y los invita a compartir la naturaleza de su actual producción y las razones de su retorno a la pintura, luego de un largo tiempo expresándose a través de la performance.