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I have learned from flowers that they are metalanguage. We say ‘flower’, (or paint it, or give it as a gift) to talk about desire, health, promises or death.
But not only at the level of meaning, but also of signifier. That is, the flower as an object, as an entity.
From Christian virginity to Mapplethorpe's homoeroticism, a flower can be many things and at the same time a flower is a flower.
De las flores he aprendido que son metalenguaje. Decimos “flor”, (o la pintamos, o regalamos) para hablarnos de deseo, salud, promesas o muerte.
Pero no solo a nivel de significado, sino de significante. Es decir, la flor como objeto, como ente.
Desde la virginidad cristiana hasta la homoerótica de Mapplethorpe, una flor puede ser muchas cosas y la vez una flor es una flor.